
1. Ethical Guidelines

QAJ ethical guidelines is to ensure originality and to reflect the Qubahan Academic Journal’s unique values and mission. These principles align with recognized global standards while demonstrating QAJ's commitment to ethical publishing practices.

General Principles:
- QAJ is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and transparency in research and publishing.
- Authors, reviewers, and editors must adhere to ethical principles of honesty, accountability, and confidentiality.

2. Adherence to Established Standards

QAJ follows the principles outlined by internationally recognized organizations such as:
- COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics): [COPE Core Practices]

These resources guide QAJ's practices in handling misconduct, conflicts of interest, and ethical research conduct. Links to the full texts of these guidelines are provided for reference.

3. Research Involving Vulnerable Populations

Given QAJ’s focus on publishing studies involving vulnerable groups (e.g., children, marginalized communities), specific policies have been introduced to address ethical concerns:

- Consent and Assent:
  - Studies involving children or other vulnerable populations must obtain informed consent from legal guardians and assent from participants where appropriate.
  - Researchers must ensure that participants fully understand the nature of the research and their rights.

- Risk Minimization:
  - Researchers must demonstrate efforts to minimize risks and discomfort to vulnerable participants.
  - All studies must undergo rigorous ethical review to ensure participant safety.

- Compliance with International Standards:
  - All research involving human participants must adhere to the Declaration of Helsinki and other relevant ethical frameworks.

4. Publication Ethics

QAJ’s ethical standards are designed to ensure integrity in authorship, peer review, and editorial decision-making processes:

- Plagiarism and Misconduct:
  - All submitted manuscripts will undergo plagiarism checks using advanced detection tools. QAJ permits a maximum similarity index of 20%.
  - Any detected cases of fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism beyond the permitted threshold will result in rejection and reporting to relevant authorities.

- Authorship Criteria:
  - Authorship must reflect significant contributions to the research.
  - Individuals who do not meet authorship criteria should be acknowledged in a separate section.

- Reviewer Responsibilities:
  - Reviewers must evaluate submissions impartially and confidentially.
  - Conflicts of interest must be disclosed immediately.

5. Conflict of Interest Policy

To maintain transparency and trust in the research process, all authors, reviewers, and editors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
- Authors should provide a statement of financial or non-financial conflicts of interest in their manuscript.
- Reviewers must recuse themselves if they have a conflict of interest with the manuscript under review.
- Editors will ensure that decisions are made independently of any potential conflicts.

6. Data Sharing and Reproducibility

- Authors are encouraged to make their data available in public repositories where possible and applicable.
- Manuscripts must include a data availability statement, specifying where the data supporting the findings can be accessed or explaining any restrictions.
- Research relying on proprietary or sensitive data must provide a clear justification for non-disclosure.


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