Regulating Fintech Lending in Indonesia: A Study of Regulation of Financial Services Authority No. 10/POJK.05/2022
Regulation, Fintech, Fintech Lending, Financial Services Authority Regulation.Abstract
POJK 10/2022 was issued by the Financial Services Authority to replace POJK 77/2016 with a new nomenclature. The difference in name certainly has implications for the substance or content of the regulation. The purpose of this study is to explain the regulation of fintech lending in POJK 10/2022, which replaces POJK 77/2016. This is normative juridical research, which uses a statutory approach to conceptualize law as a norm or rule that applies and becomes a reference for people's behavior. The data sources come from secondary data. According to the findings of the research, the regulation of fintech lending in POJK 10/2022 is more comprehensive than that in POJK 77/2016. Several articles contain new provisions, such as those concerning sharia funding for fintech, provisions for recipients of invoice defaults, and supervision of fintech lending, though several provisions in these articles remain unchanged from the previous regulations. POJK 10/2022 vastly improves on POJK 77/2016, which has been revoked and is no longer in effect.
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