Effect of The Rs-10 Radioprotector on Protein-Steroid Interaction in Irradiated Animals with Biphasic Adrenocortical Response to Irradiation
The article is devoted to the influence of RS-10 radioprotector on the protein-steroid interaction in irradiated animals. Introduction. Increasing threats to the radiation safety of the population is now causing the need for comprehensive studies of the anti-beam properties of chemical radioprotectors. The aim of the study is to study the effect of the RS-10 radioprotector on protein-steroid interaction in irradiated guinea pigs with biphasic adrenocortical response to irradiation. Study methods: experiments were conducted on 146 guinea pigs weighing 300-350 g, which were exposed to total ƴ radiation at a dose of 3.5 Gy and 4.5 Gy at a dose rate of 5.76 Gy/min, which caused them radiation disease of II and III severity. Experimental animals were injected intraperitoneally with RS-10 (chitosan bitartrate) 15 minutes before irradiation. Control animals were administered an equal volume of saline. The total plasma content of 11-oxycorticosteroids (11-OKS) was determined by the fluorometric method of Guillemin et al. in the author's modification. The binding capacity of corticosteroid binding globulin (CSG) was determined by gel filtration of De Moor at al. in the author's modification. Conclusions. Prophylactic administration of RS-10 to irradiated animals with a two-phase adreno-cortical reaction to radiation causes a later onset of secondary hypercorticism in the midst of radiation sickness in animals. Prophylactic administration of RS-10 before irradiation reduces the level of free hormone and leads to a decrease in hypercorticism, increasing the reserve capabilities of the binding ability of the CSG at the height of radiation sickness. A leading role in the mechanism of reducing affected hypercorticism under protective conditions has a lesser degree of impairment of the binding capacity of the CSG, rather than a change in the total level of 11-OKS in the blood.
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