The Prophet Joseph on Qur'an and The Historical Philosophical Perspective and Its Relevance for Human Development
Story, History, Philosophy of History, JosephAbstract
The story of the prophet Yusuf is a past event that is listed in the Qur'an. This story has given inspiration and lessons in various aspects of human life. The story of the prophet Yusuf is often only understood as a personal incident, but this story actually concerns the history of a nation, namely the Children of Israel. This research is a literature study that seeks to understand the text in the Koran about the story of the Prophet Yusuf in the perspective of history and philosophy of history by using the philosophical hermeneutic method. The methodical procedure is as follows: (1) Description, (2) Deduction-induction, (3) Inclusive language, and (4) Heuristics. The results of the study reveal that: (1) The story of the prophet Yusuf in the Koran is a historical event, this story is not only about the life of the prophet Yusuf as a person, but also about the story of the family of the prophet Ya'qub as the forerunner or origin of the ancestors of the Israelites who The first to migrate to Egypt from Palestine. (2) The story of the prophet Yusuf in the Qur'an contains a philosophical dimension of history that contains an understanding of how to anticipate and prepare for the future. Prophet Yusuf based on the dream of the King has shown the importance of anticipating future events through signs that can be understood by humans.
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