Navigating Innovation Highways: Unraveling the Entrepreneurial Culture's Role with Knowledge Management as the Mediator in Automotive Technology Innovations


  • K. Sumathi VIT Business School, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India, 632014. 1.
  • Dr. Prabir Chandra Padhy VIT Business School, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India, 632014. 1.



The electric vehicle (e-vehicle) automotive sector in India has been undergoing substantial expansion and metamorphosis, propelled by reasons like governmental regulations, ecological considerations, and technological progress. The objective of this study is to determine the impact of entrepreneurial Culture on technical innovation in the e-vehicle automobile business, while also examining the role of knowledge management as a mediator. Employing a cross-sectional design, data for analysis were gathered using a questionnaire technique from managers and employees of six e-vehicle automobile industries in India. Despite distributing 500 questionnaires, the study received responses from 53 managers and 332 employees. Utilizing the PLS-SEM approach, the research reveals the positive influence of an entrepreneurial culture on technological innovation. Moreover, it highlights the partial mediation effect of knowledge management in the relationship between entrepreneurial culture and technology innovation. These findings carry substantial implications for businesses in the e-vehicle sector aiming to enhance their innovation capabilities by fostering an entrepreneurial culture and implementing effective knowledge management techniques.


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How to Cite

Sumathi , K. ., & Chandra Padhy, P. (2024). Navigating Innovation Highways: Unraveling the Entrepreneurial Culture’s Role with Knowledge Management as the Mediator in Automotive Technology Innovations. Qubahan Academic Journal, 4(1), 190–200.


