Neuro-linguistic Programming and Its Relationship with Psychological Flexibility Among Secondary School Students in Najran Region
There is an increasing interest in Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and its impact on teaching and learning. Exploring its use as a supportive method to enhance students' capabilities is crucial. Through the literature review concerning NLP, its role in PF, and student learning, it is evident that it has not been examined. The current study aims to investigate the relationship between Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and Psychological Flexibility (PF) levels among high school students in Najran region. The study sample consisted of 634 male and female students, selected using convenience sampling. The NLP scale by Abu-Ruman [1] and the PF scale by Singh and Nan yu [2] were utilized after ensuring their validity and reliability. The study results revealed a low level of NLP and a high level of PF among high school students in Najran Region. In addition, the results indicated a significant correlation between NLP (as a whole and its dimensions) and PF. Studying NLP and its connection to PF in secondary school students can contribute to improving educational programs and psychological interventions aimed at supporting students in developing language skills and psychological adaptation. This connection can help students enhance their communication and adaptability to psychological and social challenges. In addition, this relationship can lead to the development of more effective educational and psychological support strategies for students in this crucial stage of their lives.
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