Assessment of Economic Management of Land Resources to Enhance Food Security


  • Dinara Tleshpayeva Faculty of Forest, Land and Water Resources, Kazakh National Agrarian University, Almaty, 050000, Kazakhstan;
  • Natalia Bondarenko Department of State and Legal Disciplines, Pyatigorsk branch of North-Caucasian Federal University, Pyatigorsk 357500, Russia;
  • Mikhail Leontev Department of Social, Psychological and Legal Communications, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University), Moscow 129337, Russia;
  • Galina Mashentseva Department of Economics and Humanities, Kamyshin Technological Institute, Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd 403874, Russia;
  • Julia Plaksa Department of Finance and Credit, V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol 295007, Russia;
  • Andrey Zharov Department of Technosphere Safety, Peoples' Friendship University of Russa (RUDN University), Moscow 117198, Russia;
  • Diana Stepanova Higher school of finance, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow 115093, Russia;
  • Agzhan Karbozova Department of Economics and Management, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Kyzylorda 120000, Kazakhstan.



To achieve the goals of balanced development of the agricultural sector to ensure food security, there is a need to improve management processes in the sphere of agricultural land use. The aim of the article is to provide a rationale for the ecological-economic management of land resources based on agricultural zoning to improve the efficiency of agricultural enterprises. Research gaps include the need for detailed studies on localized ecological impacts and long-term outcomes of AZ-based land redistribution on soil health and agricultural productivity. Based on the analysis of documents (sources) and an expert survey, this study proposes a framework for ecological-economic management of agricultural land resources in Kazakhstan through agricultural zoning (AZ), aiming to optimize the allocation of grasslands, pastures, arable land, and water resources. Based on document analysis and expert surveys, an optimal land ratio of approximately 30% meadows/pastures, 20% arable land, and 20% water is recommended, aligned with practices in Western Europe and North America. The study suggests measures for sustainable land use, including transferring degraded lands to pasture, preferential taxation for ecologically clean production, and financial incentives for restoring and conserving land. These strategies aim to increase agricultural productivity, meet international quality standards, and support sustainable food security through enhanced land use planning and policy. Scientific novelty of the obtained results relates to the improvement of ecological-economic management of land resources at agricultural enterprises in the conditions of zoning, considering the potential of the agricultural zones of Kazakhstan.


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How to Cite

Tleshpayeva , D. ., Bondarenko , N. ., Leontev , M. ., Mashentseva , G. ., Plaksa , J. ., Zharov, A. ., Stepanova , D. ., & Karbozova , A. . (2025). Assessment of Economic Management of Land Resources to Enhance Food Security. Qubahan Academic Journal, 5(1), 159–168.


