Improving Psychological and Educational Support of University Students with Disabilities in Kazakhstan


  • Rakhila Aubakirova Department of Personal Development and Education, Toraighyrov University, Pavlodar 140000, Kazakhstan;
  • Aisulu Zhomartova Department of Personal Development and Education, Toraighyrov University, Pavlodar 140000, Kazakhstan;
  • Murshida Nurgaliyeva Department of Personal Development and Education, Toraighyrov University, Pavlodar 140000, Kazakhstan;
  • Gulmira Tulekova Department of Personal Development and Education, Toraighyrov University, Pavlodar 140000, Kazakhstan;
  • Gulnar Tursungozhinova Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Shakarim University, Semey 070000, Kazakhstan;
  • Marina Skiba Project Office, Higher Education Development National Center of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Astana 010000, Kazakhstan;
  • Alma Turganbayeva Department of Computer Science, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty 050040, Kazakhstan;
  • Oxana Belenko Department of Psychology, Shakarim University, Semey 070000, Kazakhstan.



Inclusive education in Kazakhstan faces challenges, as many institutions lack the necessary infrastructure, trained personnel, and resources to fully support students with disabilities. These barriers hinder the professional development of such students, highlighting the need for improved educational practices and support systems. The study aimed to investigate the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the effective education process of students with disabilities (SWD) as well as to examine the definite features of psychological and pedagogical support for SWD. The paper employed quasi experimental methods, surveys among the students with disabilities and comparative analysis of specialized scholarly literature. The quasi-experiment was conducted among two groups: the first group students trained in special classrooms by teachers who had studied foreign experience and had been trained to master the competencies of creating psychological and pedagogical conditions to support SWD, and the second control group of the students studying without special conditions with teachers who had not been trained abroad. As a result, we have identified the primary forms and methods of inclusive education skills training. To add more, we have summarized the experience of creating psychological and pedagogical conditions to support SWD in their professional development. The key psychological support mechanisms for SWD were determined, including psychological diagnostics, psychological counseling, group activities, and psychological and pedagogical support. We have offered summarized suggestions for teaching SWD, covering the adaptation of teaching material, expanding the range of audiovisual aids, and providing psychological support to participants in the educational process.

Keywords: Inclusive education, Students with special educational needs, Teachers, Psychological and pedagogical


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How to Cite

Aubakirova , R. ., Zhomartova, A. ., Nurgaliyeva , M. ., Tulekova , G. ., Tursungozhinova , G., Skiba, M. ., Turganbayeva , A. ., & Belenko , O. . (2025). Improving Psychological and Educational Support of University Students with Disabilities in Kazakhstan. Qubahan Academic Journal, 5(1), 150–158.


