The University Perception in the Context of University-City Interaction and its Management
The role of universities is gradually changing in our modern world of globalization. First of all, universities have recently stood out as important actors in the economic, cultural, and social transformation of the city they are located in. Therefore, universities are important social actors and play a key role in the development of their cities. Despite the increase in the number of universities in Kazakhstan, the limited number of studies on university-city interaction necessitated field research that would provide quantitative and qualitative information on the subject. In addition, they aim to present scientific information that will enable the formation of meaningful social, cultural, and economic policies to parties such as central government and local government. Therefore, local and central administrators, non-governmental and professional organizations responsible for the development of both the city and higher education institutions, as well as the people of the city of Turkistan, are included in the fieldwork. The results showed that the Akhmet Yassawi University is one of the important factors influencing the social, economic, and cultural development of the city and that the people of Turkistan think that the University has a positive impact on their city. Therefore, it was concluded that there is a mutual and strong interaction between Akhmet Yassawi University and the people of Turkistan.
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