A New Preprocessing Method for Diabetes and Biomedical Data Classification
People of all ages and socioeconomic levels, all over the world, are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at rates that are higher than they have ever been. It is possible for it to be the root cause of a wide variety of diseases, the most notable of which include blindness, renal illness, kidney disease, and heart disease. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that a system is devised that, based on medical information, is capable of reliably detecting patients who have diabetes. We present a method for the identification of diabetes that involves the training of the features of a deep neural network between five and 10 times using the cross-validation training mode. The Pima Indian Diabetes (PID) data set was retrieved from the database that is part of the machine learning repository at UCI. In addition, the results of ten-fold cross-validation show an accuracy of 97.8%, a recall OF 97.8%, and a precision of 97.8% for PIMA dataset using RF algorithm. This research examined a variety of other biomedical datasets to demonstrate that machine learning may be used to develop an efficient system that can accurately predict diabetes. Several different types of machine learning classifiers, such as KNN, J48, RF, and DT, were utilized in the experimental findings of biological datasets. The findings that were obtained demonstrated that our trainable model is capable of correctly classifying biomedical data. This was demonstrated by achieving higher 99% accuracy, recall, and precision for parikson dataset.
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