Effectiveness of Integrating the 5E’s Learning Cycle Strategy and Stepans' Conceptual Change Model in Enhancing Second-Grade Students' Acquisition of Scientific Concepts and Habits of Mind


  • Tahani Mohammad ALebous Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Educational Science, The World Islamic Sciences & Education University, Amman 11194, Jordan.




The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of integrating the 5E’s Learning Cycle Strategy and Stepans' Conceptual Change Model to acquire scientific concepts and develop the habits of mind among second-grade students in Jordan. A quasi-experimental design was employed on 49 second-grade students (male and female) from Al-Hijaz School in Qasaba Amman Directorate during the first semester of the 2024/2025 academic year. The students were randomly assigned into an experimental group (24 students) and a control group (25 students). A teacher's guide for the unit "Interaction of Organisms and the Environment" from the second-grade science textbook was prepared based on the integrated strategy to achieve the study's objectives. In addition, an acquisition test of scientific concepts of 17 multiple-choice questions and a habits-of-mind scale with 24 items were developed, and then their validity and reliability were checked. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of the integrated strategy combining the 5E’s Learning Cycle Strategy and Stepans' Conceptual Change Model in acquiring scientific concepts and habits of mind among second-grade students compared to the control group. The study recommended adopting the integrated strategy in science education across all educational stages.


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How to Cite

Mohammad ALebous , T. (2025). Effectiveness of Integrating the 5E’s Learning Cycle Strategy and Stepans’ Conceptual Change Model in Enhancing Second-Grade Students’ Acquisition of Scientific Concepts and Habits of Mind. Qubahan Academic Journal, 5(1), 181–201. https://doi.org/10.48161/qaj.v5n1a1480


