Analysis of Academic Social Networks in Indonesia
Social network analytics, Community detection, Graph Clustering, Academic networkAbstract
Social network analysis to detect communities in social networks is a complex problem, this is due to differences in community definitions and the complexity of social networks. One of the social networks for researchers is the academic social network (ASN). We define the relationships between nodes in ASN into two forms, namely interconnection relationships and interaction relationships. Interconnection relationships are researchers' social relationships that are formed from similarities in discipline between researchers, while interaction relationships are researchers' social relationships that are formed through interactions carried out regarding joint article publications. This research aims to measure the social interactions and social interconnections of researchers in Indonesia using the social network analysis method. The ASN data used in this research comes from the academic social network Researchgate. This research produces information on the social networks of scientific groups in Indonesia and a framework for analyzing researchers' social networks using dual identification community mode which has been able to find and understand the structure of the research community based on records of interactions and interconnections with ASN with similarity values in both forms of network connections 85.9%.
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