Real Time Face-mask Detection with Arduino to Prevent COVID-19 Spreading
face mask detection, deep learning, TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV, ArduinoAbstract
The rise of COVID-19 pandemic has had a lasting impact in many countries worldwide since 2019. Face-mask detection had been significant progress in the Image processing and deep learning fields studies. Many face detection models have been designed using different algorithms and techniques. The proposed approach in this paper developed to avoid mask-less people from entering to a desired places (i.e. Mall, University, Office, …etc.) by detecting face mask using deep learning, TensorFlow, Keras, and OpenCV and sending a signal to Arduino device that connected to the gate to be open. it detect a face in a real-time and identifies whether the person wear mask or not. The method attains accuracy up to 97.80%. The dataset provided in this paper, was collected from various sources.
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