Healthcare Employee Well-Being and Work-Related Stress Factors: Evaluating the Mediating Influence of Perceived Organisational Support
The exceptional crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic brought about immense hardships for health-care organisations to devise strategies ensuring their continuous survival. The front-line combatants in the COVID-19 outbreak primarily are health care providers. The impacts of mounting pressure on employees, which leads to burnout and greater turnover rates, are particularly concerning in the health care industry. Work-related stress factors and their impact on employee well-being have been the subject of extensive research during the last twenty years. Nevertheless, there is a dearth of information regarding the applicability of these findings to hospitals. This study aims to build a multi-level conceptual framework to examine how medical professionals’ perceptions of organisational support affect their well-being and satisfaction on the job, with a special emphasis regarding how this support affects their ability to cope with work-related stress. We examined the consequences of workplace stress among healthcare professionals as an outcome of its factors and the organisational support offered to deal with the situation and build resilience for better productivity and well-being. Through the use of a structured online questionnaire distributed to 194 employees across various hospitals, data were gathered. The Smart-PLS Structural Equation Modelling using was then applied to test the model fit and evaluate the results. The framework presented suggests that perceived organisational support alleviates stress and promotes satisfaction with their work among employees. This points to the significance of healthcare organisations' responsiveness and support in enhancing the well-being of their employees and implies that these factors are critical in lowering stress and turnover rates in work settings.
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