The Impact of Brand Quality and Brand Innovativeness on the Purchase Intention of Local Brands
Supporting local brands has long been of interest to many scholars. This study investigates the impact of brand quality and innovativeness on consumer purchase intention of local brands mediated by the attitudes of local brands. The research endeavors to uncover Generation Z’s habits, given their promise to boost the national economy by supporting locally established brands. The study employed a survey-based questionnaire, which entails gathering data from students of several universities in Jordan. The sample for this research was 365 respondents; convenience sampling was employed as a sampling technique. The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS (29.01) and Amos 26 for Structural Equation and mediation analysis. The study’s findings revealed that perceived brand quality and brand innovativeness significantly influence attitudes toward local brands. Additionally, there is a positive association between perceived local brand quality and brand innovativeness. Attitudes toward local brands significantly affect purchase intentions. Moreover, attitudes toward local brands mediate the relationship between perceived brand quality, brand innovativeness, and purchase intention. The study’s findings offer valuable insights for local brand managers, marketers, and policymakers aiming to enhance the appeal of local brands among Generation Z. The study contributes to the existing literature by focusing on the local brand context, an understudied area. Specifically, the study investigates how Generation Z can strengthen the connections between perceived brand quality and brand innovativeness, which can contribute to the national economy by encouraging support for locally established brands.
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