Web Pages Ranking Algorithms: A Survey


  • Ayad Abdulrahman Information Technology Department, Duhok Polytechnic University, Computer Science Department, University of Zakho, Zakho, Iraq




Search Engines, Ranking Algorithms, WCM, Web Mining, HITS, Crawler


Due to the daily expansion of the web, the amount of information has increased significantly. Thus, the need for retrieving relevant information has also increased. In order to explore the internet, users depend on various search engines. Search engines face a significant challenge in returning the most relevant results for a user's query. The search engine's performance is determined by the algorithm used to rank web pages, which prioritizes the pages with the most relevancy to appear at the top of the result page. In this paper, various web page ranking algorithms such as Page Rank, Time Rank, EigenRumor, Distance Rank, SimRank, etc. are analyzed and compared based on some parameters, including the mining technique to which the algorithm belongs (for instance, Web Content Mining, Web Structure Mining, and Web Usage Mining), the methodology used for ranking web pages, time complexity (amount of time to run an algorithm), input parameters (parameters utilized in the ranking process such as InLink, OutLink, Tag name, Keyword, etc.), and the result relevancy to the user query.


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How to Cite

Abdulrahman, A. (2021). Web Pages Ranking Algorithms: A Survey. Qubahan Academic Journal, 1(3), 29–34. https://doi.org/10.48161/qaj.v1n3a79


