Mas'uliyah Society Brand Resonance: Enhancing Sustainable Marketing Performance of the National Health Insurance Program
The social exchange theory emphasises the meaning of interaction, exchange, and reciprocity. This relationship will continue if the parties feel continuous profit projections in the future. Unfortunately, this theory is still oriented towards materialism. Transactional load is only due to profit and loss calculations. The meaning and scope of the exchange are not even clear. If justice is found, it is still at the psychological level, not touching spiritual needs. Along with the practice of social exchange in the implementation of the National Health Insurance program, there are so many perceptions of JKN participants' experiences. The urgency of this research lies in the resonance of the National Health Insurance program which impacts the program's sustainability. This program requires support from all Indonesian people through responsible social exchange. This study aims to develop a new conceptual model addressing limitations in previous research between brand resonance and social exchange that integrates religiosity values, called Mas'uliyah Society Brand Resonance—data collection using the survey method. The respondents in this study were JKN cadres in the Central Java region and Yogyakarta, Indonesia, with 260 respondents using purposive sampling techniques. The study results show that Mas'uliyah Society Brand Resonance has a positive and significant influence on the sustainable marketing performance of the National Health Insurance program. Mas'uliyah Appraisal Brand Resonance and Mas'uliyah Self-esteem Brand Resonance can mediate between Mas'uliyah Belonging Brand Resonance and Mas'uliyah Tangible Brand Resonance on sustainable marketing performance. By leveraging the insights from this study, the National Health Insurance program in Indonesia could potentially strengthen its connection with participants, fostering a more sustainable and ethically grounded system that benefits all stakeholders.
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