SOEs Top Management Perspectives on Key Leadership Behaviors of Millennial Leadership: A Thematic Analysis
This study embarks on a pioneering examination of the key leadership behaviors required by Millennial Leaders in Indonesia's State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) amidst the ongoing transition towards sustainable business practices. Utilizing a meticulously executed two-round Delphi Technique, which involved interviews with 16 distinguished leaders from Indonesia's largest national companies, the research thoroughly identifies 20 essential leadership behaviors. These findings present a vital guide for millennial leaders to proficiently navigate the challenges present in today's volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment, exacerbated by the disruptions stemming from the pandemic. Additionally, this research signifies the dawn of a new era in strategic business expansion, stressing the necessity of adopting sustainable and renewable energy sources. Its empirical validation through rigorous methodologies like the Delphi method provides a nuanced comprehension of the leadership qualities crucial for success within Indonesia's evolving SOE landscape, making significant contributions to dialogues concerning millennial leadership advancement and promoting sustainable innovation.
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